Wednesday, December 9, 2009

buns and guppies

Thankful for the blessings in her life and motivated by a desire to “give back”, Bernadette Harris started making jewelry in early 2005 with the intention of selling it and donating part of the proceeds to charity. The name “buns and guppies” came in a prayer, as “the little loaves and fishes”. Jesus multiplied a few loaves of bread and fish to feed the thousands of people who had gathered to hear him. And to humbly follow Him became the mission of this project.

Half of the profit made from sales are donated to charity, an organization called Feed The Children, and the other half is put right back into the business. And with each piece of jewelry purchased, a small card is included explaining the buns and guppies mission. In the past 4 years, Bernadette and her partners have donated over $19,000 to charity and buns and guppies seems to be touching people’s lives in more ways than one. It started as jewelry, but it has become an amazing vehicle to spread the message of God’s love.

The website contains a small selection of their work and the project’s full mission statement. Faithworks Bookstore has some of this jewelry. For more information, feel free to contact Bernadette Harris.